Pentagon Payouts: How to Draw Income From a Defense Budget Loophole 

Jason Simpkins

Posted June 8, 2024

The other day I asked some friends a simple question…

How much do you think the United States spends on defense?

One said $20 billion. Another $50 billion. Is it $100 billion?

Imagine their surprise when I told them America’s 2025 defense budget is set to come in at a staggering $895 billion. 

And I’ve got news for you… 

In two or three years the defense budget is going to be sitting at a cool TRILLION dollars

That’s how much money the Pentagon is set to spend — in just one year.

TWA US Defense Budget Chart

Now, I personally don’t think that’s such a bad thing. I’m a big believer in national defense. 

I look around and I see Vladimir Putin going full-Hitler on eastern Europe, another Middle East war centered around Israel, China eyeing Taiwan… 

I hear our adversaries threatening us with nuclear annihilation and acts of terror. 

And I read about all the latest technological advances that could very well bring about a Terminator-like end to human existence. 

So of all the pet projects our politicians lavish with taxpayer dollars, the national security worries me least. 

However, that doesn’t mean individual investors ought to eschew personal security, either. And it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get your return on Uncle Sam’s investment. 

Because that investment is paying off… big-time. 

Defense contractors are raking it in right now. They are signing massive contracts, building record backlogs, and blowing earnings out of the water. 

And again, this won’t stop, because the defense budget will continue to grow. The threats to America and the world at large aren’t going anywhere. 

Moreover, new technology like AI and cloud/edge computing is transforming our military. It’s a renaissance. 

So step right up and get your cut. 

And if you’re wondering how you can do that… I’ve got you covered.

I’ve found a safe easy way to cash checks that effectively come right from the Pentagon — a quick and easy return on your taxpayer dollars. 

That’s why I call them “Pentagon Payouts.”

Here’s how it works. 

All of America’s defense contractors — and even the Defense Department proper — need something many people take for granted…

Real estate. 

You see, while America’s workforce has experienced a massive shift toward remote and hybrid work, hollowing out much of our country’s office culture… 

People who work in the national security sector can’t really do that. 

They need labs, safe rooms, security checkpoints, proving grounds, test ranges, training centers, etc. They can’t just work from home. They need to be on-site. 

And there’s one company out there that controls almost all of those real estate assets.

It’s effectively the defense industry’s landlord.

So it’s in the unique position of drawing money from America’s defense budget — rather than paying into it. And it does so without paying taxes on that income!

Of course, that unique position comes with a caveat. As a real estate investment trust (REIT), this company is required by law to distribute 90% of its income directly to its investors. 

That’s why it yields 5%, which it pays out through a quarterly dividend. 

And while nothing in the market comes without risk, it’s as close a thing to a “risk-free” investment you’ll ever find. Because the U.S. defense budget and companies it feeds aren’t going anywhere. 

To the contrary, the revenue pipeline is poised to continue to grow, as I said, to more than $1 trillion in just a few years.

That’s why this investment is the perfect way to game the defense industrial complex and reclaim your tax dollars.

The money flows from your taxes to the Pentagon, from the Pentagon to defense contractors, and from the defense contractors right back to you, their landlord.

And all you have to do to get your share is check out all the details right here.

My co-editor Jason Williams and I have put together a whole presentation on this stock — and the system that makes it a surefire income strategy. 

So if you want to start cashing checks, see for yourself.

Fight on,

Jason Simpkins Signature

Jason Simpkins

Simpkins is the founder and editor of Secret Stock Files, an investment service that focuses on companies with assets — tangible resources and products that can hold and appreciate in value. He covers mining companies, energy companies, defense contractors, dividend payers, commodities, staples, legacies and more…

In 2023 he joined The Wealth Advisory team as a defense market analyst where he reviews and recommends new military and government opportunities that come across his radar, especially those that spin-off healthy, growing income streams. For more on Jason, check out his editor’s page.

Be sure to visit our Angel Investment Research channel on YouTube and tune into Jason’s podcasts.

Want to hear more from Jason? Sign up to receive emails directly from him ranging from market commentaries to opportunities that he has his eye on. 

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